If I can’t draw it, I can’t get it

A brief description about me

  • AI Research Engineer at Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain.

  • Creator of Pymach, Sparkmach and Scanflow, tools that aim to accelerate the deployment of Machine Learning workflows.

  • Machine Learning and High Perfomance Computing (HPC) researcher at CTIC - UNI, Perú.

  • MSc. student in Artificial Inteligence at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain.

  • 4 years of experience in Artificial Intelligence and Distributed Computing projects, developing solutions for indoor localization, traffic flow, NLP and data science.

  • Python, C, C++ developer with several open source libraries in Numerical Analysis, Data science and Big data.

  • I dream about creating a new cutting-edge algorithm that can represent data in a way that we can automate intelligent tasks as simple as it is recognizing images, understanding audio or reading texts for humans.

For more info

Check my complete bio in each tab.